This is a simple and fun gingerbread puppet you can make with your kids! Crafts like this are so lovely and kids can do them by themselves without much adult guidance!
What you will Need
- Brown felt
- Red felt
- Green felt
- Yellow felt
- Grey felt
- Three pom poms
- Goggly eyes
- Scissors
- Glue
- Cut out the gingerbread body shape.
- Add your googly eyes
- Cut out a mouth shape and glue it on
- Add your red and yellow felt decoration to the gingerbread’s arms and legs
- Next, cut out some felt for the back of the gingerbread puppet and glue a bit of glue on each side, leaving room for your fingers
- That’s it, now you have your very own gingerbread puppet!
This is a simple, fun way to make gingerbread felt puppets and so simple.
You can also add as much decoration as you want!
You can expect your little ones to get a lot of practice with their scissors work and sticking with this project.
I hope you all have fun being creative!